Skitzoid Productions is bringing GAME OVER to The Bread & Roses Theatre in Clapham, for a run of five nights during the first week of July 2018.
Dave Bain, the director of Skitzoid Productions said,
"We are very excited that the Bread & Roses has selected GAME OVER for their Summer Programme. Being a relatively new company, this will be a fantastic opportunity to bring our work to a wider audience."
"Each night's performance will be in aid of a different mental health charity, and there will be a representative to give a short talk about their work at the start of the interval. It's an opportunity for the audience to see how charities support those in suicidal crisis, and the importance of their work in the wider community."
The sponsors for each night will be announced across the next week. Keep an eye out on our news page, Facebook and Twitter accounts. We also suspect that once Death gets wind of this news, he might have a few comments…