Do you get excited thinking about the possibilities a live theatre space offers?

Do you like a bit of tune?

Would you like to work in a forward looking theatre company with a growing IP?

Are you intrigued by the description ‘an immersive, black comedy musical about suicide and depression’?

At Skitzoid Productions we are passionate about story telling, musical theatre and mental health awareness.  Across the last two years, we have staged nineteen performances of GAME OVER and DISSOCIATED in London, Shropshire and Liverpool, raising awareness of suicide, depression and child sexual abuse.  We have also taken almost £4000 in donations for mental health charities including One in Four, The Maytree Respite Centre and HELP Counselling.

Our long term goal is to do sustained, profitable runs, so that a proportion of our profits can go towards mental health charities.

To help us meet this ambitious goal, Skitzoid Productions is looking for a producer to join our team.  Initially, this will be an voluntary role.  

You do not need to have been in a formal producing role before, but you should have solid experience of marketing within social media platforms, particularly Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.  Experience of applying for grants and contacts in the industry is not necessary, but helpful.  As we move forward, viral marketing will also become more important to us.  Finally, you should feel comfortable and passionate when talking to others about our work, and be open to finding creative ways to promote it.

Perhaps you haven’t been a producer before, but are quite media savvay? Then this role could suit you. We will provide support and guidance if the idea of being a producer feels intimidating, as we have production experience in the company.


In return, we can offer:

1. An experience of working within a creative and dynamic team, pushing storytelling into exciting new directions along with a support network to help you develop your skills.

2. A vested, percentage stake holding in SKITZOID PRODUCTIONS, and an option to become a company director.

3. An opportunity to find and develop new IP for Skitzoid Productions, including a production budget to support a one week run for a new play in a 30-40 seater venue.

This work can be a one/two hander, and up to one hour long. You will be able to draw on our in-house resources, including musicians, songwriters, singers, video, recording equipment, website development, sound design and choreographers.

Please note that 2 & 3 will be awarded on completion of company targets, including securing sources of funding and/or meeting ticket sale targets.

Game Over.Fighting.jpg

Across the first two years you will be working on:

* Production & marketing for a 3/4 week run of GAME OVER

* Production on LAST SALES CONFERENCE OF THE APOCALYPSE, which includes workshopping, website development, viral marketing & music videos leading to a 2-4 week run

* Seeking funding and support for a 3/4 week run of DISSOCIATED

We anticipate that this role will best suit someone who is working part time, or someone who has had a break from producing, but wishes to return.


To apply:

  • Send a covering letter & CV to Skitzoid Productions at

  • DM us on @SkitzoidProd to say hello and let us know you've sent an application

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dave & the Skitzoid Productions Team